Calling All Cam Models; Submit Your Platform Move for Publication
At Adult Webcam News all happenings in the Adult Webcam Industry are important and deserve to be shared. Cam Models are the stars of the show and our efforts are centered around offering stories and news that are relevant to all elements of our audience. Our readership consists of adult webcam site owners and managers, affiliates, and users of adult webcam site but perhaps most of all cam models themselves.
Accordingly your move from 1 site to another site is very relevant to our readership. Our goal is to help you make sure your fans can find your shows at all times.
Therefore, if you have made a move within the last 7 days that we ask that you submit to us your press release no longer than 300 words in length that shares your pertinent links, the platform you moved from and where your fans can now find your show.
You should submit this information below. We will contact you if we need any additional details.
Thank you
Adult Webcam News Staff
(You may also contact us via this form)
- You must be a member of CammerZ
- You must submit your old and new show urls
- You must include your email, performer name, and Twitter username (If using this form make sure to give us the link of your CammerZ profile)
Latest Cam Model News Releases are here.