This next story illustrates that it’s not just adult industry affiliate marketing professionals who have caught wind of the serious money that can be generated by starting your own adult webcam site. Over the course of the last year we’ve read about a number of celebrities and reality TV stars who, either have, or plan to have their own adult webcam business. Here is just the latest…

According to a widely read reality tv blog, Helen Wood ( @Helen_Wood86 ), the winner of Big Brother UK 2015 is preparing to launch her very own adult webcam site later this month. The name of her new live webcam site is rumored to be called ‘IndulgeCams’.

Being eager to confirm interesting news related to the adult webcams business (as we always are) we visited ‘Indulge Cams’ at the most obvious url you’d expect to find it, Sure enough there currently is a ‘coming soon’ landing page at this url and the site does indicate ‘IndulgeCams’ plans a launch in February 2016.
According to the source of this story, the business plan is centered around ‘being a community that is welcoming to all’. That appears to be all the information that is available at the current time. The landing page does not confirm Helen Wood is the owner or involved in any way. If she is in fact the owner as reported, what Helen Wood has planned for IndulgeCams, as far as a user acquisition strategy or the unique selling point is still anyones guess. Their was no information available at the site nor was their any pre-registration email program set-up. At the time of this post, there is also just 1 day left in the month the site was said to be launching.
We also found this ‘From the Web’ story interesting in some other respects. One of these being, you might just assume that starting your own adult webcam site would be a business which men were disproportionately pursuing rather than women…and that still may be the case. However, judging by the fact that at least 3 celebrity business women (that we know of) have entered the live webcam business within the last 12 months, that does not appear to be the case…or at least not judging by the headlines.
Case-in-point, Mega-celebrity, accomplished business woman, and widely known star of Teen Mom, Farrah Abraham also recently launched her own live webcam site for adults.
However, Mrs. Abraham took a different approach and instead opted for an out of the box solution where she partnered with an existing platform using what is referred to as a white webcam label program. White label webcam programs are the most common path of entry into the adult webcams business and the one most prefer given this arrangement can be just as lucrative, but without all the overhead, major cash outlays, and large risk that the community does not catch on. These white label webcam programs enable anyone over 18 to start their own adult webcam business without shouldering any risk besides their own advertising dollars and time.
In the case of Farrah Abrahams cam site, (a white label program) she handles just the marketing of her url and brand, (that brand is thus a cloned version of a leading cams platform. It’s important to note that by visiting the site you’d never be able to tell. Where she benefits is she does not have to manage the actual back-end operations of the underlining site, host her site, maintain the encoding technology for live streaming, or even handle billing . Best of all this arrangement is open to anyone over 18 with the desire to start their own live adult webcam business. Nearly all the most popular platforms offer this arrangement, which also explains why there are thousands of live webcam sites that have popped up over recent years.
Considering it takes just a logo and a few minutes to start your own cams site and given the fact that with revenue share percentages so large, this path make a lot of sense. White label operators typically earn around 30% of more of every dollar spent on their white label (clone site) for life. That is a fixed sum for the life of that user. Given the popularity of live cam sites and the rapid growth in the industry, white label live cam programs seems to have been the smart way for most to go.
For those who have not yet done their homework, starting an original adult webcam site is an extremely resource intensive undertaking. This is true because the competition for traffic is fierce and because development of the technology and management of that technology involves hiring a specialized staff to fill the necessary roles. To get proprietary platform (original website) off the ground it costs phenomenal sums of money; a lot more than most realize.
Thereafter, attracting just a base community of models can be an incredibly expensive and lengthy process.
Lastly, even after you get a base of models, if the traffic (customers) are not there the models leave and go where the paying customers are. Generally speaking, the highest paying cam sites are not the one with the most amount of traffic. Those that are paying the most are usually pushing the envelope to catch the others.
As a result, generally speaking the successful, newer and proprietary adult webcam start-ups, have at first populated a base live webcam community by contracting with live webcam studios in countries where vast numbers of live webcam models live and work; models who typically work for less than their U.S. counterparts. Simultaneously those few who have been able to pull off the feat of totally proprietary platforms have, more often than not been able to tap into a large network of affiliates they already had from other succesful adult businesses they operate. Without the last added benefit the uphill battle is even more daunting. Nevertheless a few companies with the right talent, good financing, and a strong knowledge on the live cams industry have succeeded.
We wish Helen Wood much success and we’ll update this post as we learn more about IndulgeCams. With that being said, she too may find our white label programs resource page useful. That table is linked here which shares the top platforms offering white label programs where you can start your own adult webcam site.
Lastly, for those who are not looking to start their own brand you can compare live webcam affiliate programs here.