Recorded adult porn news isn’t really our bag here at, and why should it be since we are so focused on the live content side of adult industry news. Besides, there are a few great places like AVN (Adult Video News) and XBIZ which are always focused on Keeping you up-to date about porn star news about the latest adult DVD releases. However, on occasion something related to general adult business news has real pertinence to what maybe coming around the next corner in the live sex cams industry. Today, just one of those interesting little tidbits came to use courtesy of the blog for the award-winning adult CPA Network CrakRevenue. Check out this list of most searched for adult terms. While it’s important to realize this is not a list of the most searched for sex terms internet wide, nor for all of even Google searches either (as Google does not publish that data), but instead it’s a list of the most popular queries at PornHub. PornHub is of course one of the world’s largest porn sites and with the massive level of traffic this site gets, it’s a great gauge on the fetishes and kink content that is being searched for. Read on below the graph for why we think it’s that much more interesting….

Pertinence of the Most Popular Adult Search Terms to Future Adult Webcam Trends?
Here is what we found thought-provoking in looking at these popular adult search terms. Will live adult performers aka cam models take these search habits to heart and if they do how will it impact their shows. As the cams industry matures and more performers enter the fray things are getting more and more competitive. More and more themed live sex shows are coming about with each passing month.
Here are some questions to ask yourself if you are in the adult webcams business as a model manager, trainer, cam coach, model recruiter; or as a webcam model yourself.
- How can I use the search habits of my audience, the entire 18+ world to get more hits on my shows? Or better yet, how can I develop my brand to suit the latest trends and desires in adult entertainment overall?
- For adult webcam site front end developers and project managers: Are the categories on our cam site the most cutting edge to both find the most desired content and to highlight leading trends? Could we steer model content in such a way to gain a competitive edge by adding categories for adult webcam shows that fit with the most searched for adult terms on the internet?
- For studios and internet models as well as all cam industry business people: Set aside all VR hubbub for a minute and think about this. As more and more group and themed live adult webcam shows come online (which is happening fast if you paying attention) will there be major production value enhancements from the performers themselves in themed live cam shows that fit these or other search trends? Interactivity is what drives cams, and competition will drive innovation in all creative aspects of the cam shows themselves. The million-dollar question is how do you get ahead of that curve and capitalize on BEING what people are searching for? This particular question maybe most pertinent for freemium (tipping oriented) cam sites like Chaturbate, BongaCams, and StripChat; considering those cam sites are where you are more opt to find the group and themed sex webcam shows.
Again, the chart above is from PornHub and it lists the most popular sexual related keywords and phrases in the adult industry; or more specifically in what is one of the worlds largest porn sites. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this food for thought and that you take a few minutes to think about how search trends in recorded porn translate to the live adult webcams business. As we customarily do, we credit the source that shared this chart with us. Thank you to one of the best adult CPA networks, . If affiliate marketing of adult webcams sites is a part of your business this is a must join CPA adult affiliate network. Here is a little video blurb about their tools and team so you can see why we are such big fans.
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