Popular live sex cams site BongaCams has been blocked inside of Russia. This two time winner of the, ‘Best Russian Adult Webcams Site‘ contacted webmasters with the following update on the issue and workaround via their affiliate program called BongaCash. The old adage of that which is taboo will most certainly just make BongaCams an even more popular adult cam site and theirs already workarounds in place. However, it was and is news to see that such a wildly popular live sex cams site in Russia ran afoul of those who control access to banned urls within Russia.
BongaCams Banned in Russia? Not for Long – Workarounds in Place
Most parts of the world this cam site comes up without issue and we are certain that those wanting to access BongaCams in Russia will most certainly find a way around any ban. The truth is most adult webcam sites have at least a few countries, if not a few dozen where it can take a little creativity to get around censors to view adult cams on any given platform.

Here is the email that went out as soon as the blocks took affect. Their affiliate program is already offering alternative urls for marketing the live cams from the bongacams platform under a different URL.
Dear affiliates!We regret to inform you that the domain bongacams.com is currently inaccessible in Russia.We’ve created new campaign links for webmasters who work with traffic from Russia. In order for promo tools to be displayed correctly, we advise all to add the new campaign links at your earliest convenience.You can add a new campaign here.
BongaCash Team——————————
—————————— ————— Дорогие партнёры!Информируем Вас о том, что на данный момент bongacams.сom заблокирован на территории России.Специально для всех вебмастеров, кто работает с трафиком из России доступны новые ссылки. Для того, чтобы промоматериалы отображались корректно, мы рекомендуем вам создать новые кампании с актуальными ссылками как можно скорее.Добавить новую кампанию можно здесь.
Команда BongaCash
Also you can read the latest reviews on the best adult cam sites here. Lastly, you can try BongaCams which is one of the top 10 adult webcam sites currently at BongaCams.com.