The annual list from Pornhub sharing the latest trends on what people are masturbating to on the internet was recently released and we are happy to share there official video. Each year one of the top free porn tub sites on the web measures the popularity of different types and themes of porn. As a matter of fact their analytics are even able to drill down what men prefer over women as well as what porn videos and xxx clips niches are most popular by region. Each year they publish the details.
Most Popular Porn by Region & Sex
Here is the PornHub Video that highlights what’s getting the most views and favorites across their massive free sex tube platform
Besides the fact that these stats on what type of porn content is most popular is just down right interesting, it is also newsworthy because this adult industry data reveals a lot about what people are searching, sharing, and really enjoying. Therefore, many webmasters, content producers, cam girls and even cam sites take notice. With 33.5 billion visits there is no larger body of data on what is the most popular sex videos. That resulted in 962 searches per second and 4.8 million videos were uploaded during the year. Given the fact that is would take over 1 year to watch all the new videos uploaded to the platform you are probably never going to see them all.
Cam Girls Videos Start to Flood Pornhub
…but all of this brings us to our biggest observation over the past year; cam site content and specifically recorded shows of cam girls seems to be an increasingly popular type of video besides high production value scripted porn clips to be placed on free porn tube sites. This is a broad reflection of the fact that adult webcams continue to take a larger and larger chunk of the entire adult entertainment industry; something we have always expected would happen. We suspect that will continue to be the case until scripted porn content is a size-able minority of the content at porn tube sites.

Whether you agree with this or now we’re sure you’ll find all the porn viewing stats in the video super interesting. Likewise, Asa Akira is hilarious with her questions such as when exactly do users comment on videos, “Before or after masturbating?”. Most of us probably don’t stick around the long after taking care of business. 🙂